River HOuse of Prayer

We love Monday Nights...

Prayer is one of the foundational pieces of River Church. Our River House of Prayer follows the Enjoyable Prayer model, combining singing, worship, the Word with prayer and intercession. We believe Jesus is worthy of our time, worship, and praise. He hears our prayers and answers.
Join us on Monday nights or throughout the week, as time with our Father and Savior is never wasted.


Monday Nights:
Intercession: 6-7 pm
Devotion Room: 7-9 pm
Worship with the Word: Every 4th Monday, 7-8pm
Monday nights are a come-and-go as you like time for quiet time with Jesus, as well as intercessory prayer. The team plays, sings, and prays on different themes.

Wednesday Morning Men's Prayer 
5-7 am - A time of prayer in the Worship Room. Open for adult males. We come together and pray for our families.

Prayer Team
Wednesday evening at 5:30PM, the prayer team meets to pray for the church, specific needs, etc. Everyone is welcome.

AM Prayer
Early morning prayer and soaking time every Monday thru Friday from 5-7am. AM Prayer will operate on a delay if there is a school delay. Call the office after 8 am to see if the church is open.